Accounting & Taxes for SMEs

Accounts and Tax Compliance

As an SME business ensuring that you meet all of your accounting deadlines and tax obligations can be time consuming and stressful.  For many these pressures means that it can end up as a last minute rush to get things over the line, rather than a more proactive and planned approach that adds real value and helps you make informed decisions on how to move your business forward. 

At Equifino, whilst we can ensure your business remains compliant when it comes to accounting and tax deadlines, we prefer to work with you in a more proactive way throughout the year.  This not only reduces the stress at year end but enables you to use the data throughout the year to shape your decision making.

With years of experience of working with SME businesses, we work seamlessly as part of your team providing regular, proactive support and guidance that makes a real difference.  Our accounting and tax services can provide support with the following;

Helping you to retain the required accounting data as required by HMRC
Calculating the correct tax liability for your business and you personally
Ensuring all tax due whether by the business or personally is paid on time
Completion and filing of statutory accounts (Limited Companies)
Helping you plan and execute an efficient tax strategy

How we can help

At Equifino we can help businesses of all sizes and structure to meet their financial reporting obligations, and to correctly calculate any tax payable to HMRC.  Whether a Limited Company calculating its Corporation Tax and VAT liabilities, or Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax for a Sole Trader, Business Partnership or individual Director. 

Corporation Tax VAT Income Tax Capital Gains Tax

As a Limited Company, UK branch of a foreign company, or a club or other unincorporated association, you are liable to pay Corporation Tax on any profits made.  UK Limited Companies are liable for Corporation Tax on all profits both from activities within the UK and abroad.  A UK branch or subsidiary of a foreign company on the other hand only has to pay tax on profits from its UK based activities.

Taxable profits include money made from doing business ("trading profits"), investments, or, selling assets for more than they cost ("chargeable gains").  

In order to calculate profits made and any Corporation Tax liability you must prepare a Company Tax Return and submit it to HMRC by your deadline (usually 12 months after the end of your company accounting period).  Any tax liability must then be paid by your payment deadline which is usually 9 months and 1 day after the end of the accounting period.

Whilst Equifino can ensure your legal requirements in relation to Corporation Tax are fully met, our aim is always to provide added value by working closely with you throughout your financial year in order to help you plan for, and minimise the extent of, any tax liabilities.  We achieve this through  the production of regular management accounts and strategic tax planning.  

Regardless of the structure of your business, you will be required to register for VAT if your turnover for the last 12 months was over £85,000, or, you expect it to go over this limit within the next 30 days.   Once registered, you are required to charge the correct rate of VAT to your customers for your goods and services, and then complete and submit a VAT return along with paying any VAT payable to HMRC by the required deadlines.

VAT can be complex which is why at Equifino we offer comprehensive  VAT support for SME businesses.  It's not just about preparing and submitting your VAT return and paying your tax on time, but providing advice and guidance so that you can make informed decisions around when you need to register for VAT, what rates to charge, or whether one of the many VAT Schemes available would benefit your business.

If you are registered with HMRC as self- employed, whether as a sole trader or an individual within a business Partnership, or a company Director receiving dividends from your limited company, you are legally required to complete and submit Self Assessment Tax returns in relation to your income.

The deadline for submission of returns for the previous tax year is 31st January (online returns) with any tax liability also required to be paid on the same day.  A subsequent payment may also be required by 31st July in relation to advance payments on account.  You are also required to keep accurate records of your income and business expenses for each tax year either manually or by using accounting software. 

At Equifino we can provide a full accounting service for you, from book-keeping to ensure you keep accurate records, to the completion and submission of Self Assessment Tax returns and dealing with any HMRC queries on your behalf as your agent. 

We also provide our clients with strategic financial advice and support throughout the year on topics including Tax Planning, VAT, Cashflow Management and Funding support. 

As a sole trader or individual within a business partnership, you may have to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) if you make a profit, or gain, from the full or partial sale of a business asset.

Business assets that might incur Capital Gains Tax include:

  • land and buildings
  • fixtures and fittings
  • plant and machinery
  • shares
  • registered trademarks

In order to calculate if you need to pay CGT you first need to calculate the amount of any gain.  A gain is usually the difference between what you paid for the asset and the price it was sold for.

It is possible to deduct cost of buying, selling or improving the asset from the amount gained.  These costs can include for example fees for having the asset valued or advertised for sale or Stamp Duty.  Once the amount of any gain is calculated you may be able to reduce or delay paying tax if you are eligible for tax relief.

At Equifino we can help to calculate if any CGT liability is owing, ensure that you take into account any relevant deductions and reliefs and then pay all tax due on time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions below are just a few of the regularly asked questions we get from our clients around Tax.  If you cannot locate the answer to your question below take a look at our Knowledge Hub or get in touch.

If your business is a Limited Company you are required to file a Company Tax Return even if you make a loss and have no Corporation Tax to pay.

If however you are running your business as a sole trader, or a business Partnership, you do not need to submit a Company Tax Return but instead you will need to submit Self Assessment Tax returns in order for HMRC to calculate your tax liability for the specific tax period.

A Company Tax Return for submission to HMRC should include the following:

  • profit or loss statement for Corporation Tax (Please note: this is different from the profit or loss shown in your annual accounts)
  • Calculation of your Corporation Tax bill.

The deadline for submission of the Company Tax Return is 12 months after the end of the accounting period it covers and a penalty applies for late submission.  

The deadline for payment of any Corporation Tax liability is different and is usually 9 months and a day after the end of the accounting period it relates to.

Your legal obligations in relation to the submission of tax information depend on the nature of your business.

Limited Company

You must prepare the following after the end of your financial year;

  • full (‘statutory’) annual accounts
  • a Company Tax Return

These should be filed within HMRC and Companies House deadlines to avoid a penalty.

Sole Trader or Business Partnership

If you are running your business as a sole trader or are a member of a business partnership you must submit a personal tax return to HMRC.  Your tax return must be submitted by 31st January following the end of the tax year for which the tax return relates. 

Our Happy Clients

Paul Netto, Director of Equifino on a virtual call

Want an exploratory conversation, call us today on 0117 203 4010